Welcome To Thay Viana Residential & Commercial Cleaning Services!

  • Call us now

    (857) 346-8655

  • Monday - Saturday

    7am - 6pm

  • 20 Middle St, West Newbury


Open House Cleaning

At Thay Viana Cleaning, we understand the importance of providing top-notch Open House cleaning services that meet the specific needs of realtors and property owners. Our highly skilled and experienced team is trained to handle the level of work required for showcasing a home. We ensure that the size of our team is proportional to the size of the home, allowing us to efficiently complete the tasks at hand.

Our Open House cleaning services cover a comprehensive range of areas, including conventional and microwave ovens, inside window cleaning, glass patio doors, and all appliance external surfaces in the kitchen, including stove fan hoods. We also provide deep and thorough cleaning of all bedrooms, including baseboards. Throughout the process, we use plant-based, eco-friendly cleaning products to create a healthy and safe environment. Our commitment to sustainability extends to our recyclable cleaning materials.

We understand the time-sensitive nature of preparing a home for an open house. Realtors often require a quick turnaround, and we are dedicated to meeting deadlines while delivering exceptional service. Our team is responsive and easy to work with, ensuring a smooth and efficient cleaning process.


Ask us a question or if you have specific needs you would like to discuss, we're ready and available with answers.

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